5 Ways a Military Mom Turned Her Fears Over to God

How to release fear through faith

Military family

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you know that my most difficult challenge as a military mom was the fear I had for my son. While he was excited about his decision to serve, I seemed to dwell on the negative what-ifs. It was a long process to take my negative feelings—one by one—and turn them over to God. As I did let them go, God took each one and calmed my fears, replacing them with peace. Today I’m going to share some of the insights I gained: 

1.  What-ifs Aren’t Always Negative
I always thought of myself as a positive person, at least until our son enlisted. Suddenly all the what-ifs that came to my mind were possible catastrophes. It took turning my fears to God for Him to show me that there were a lot of possible positive scenarios.

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2.  Fear Opens an Opportunity for Faith
By talking to God about my worries, I remembered how faithful He’d already been in my life and in my son’s life. He also led me to Bible verses that proved a foundation for faith. I wouldn’t have experienced this new closeness without the initial fear I faced.

3.  Change Can Be Positive
I’m not a big fan of change. But there were many positive changes—in our son and in me—when he joined the military. In him, I got to see the rapid transformation from teenager into man. I also experienced the change in my prayer life. This in turn brought about a transformation in my attitude and in the way God was able to work through me as I reached out to others.

4.  Community Is Vital
I’m one of those people who retreat when I find myself in a difficult situation. My natural way of coping is to pull away and plunge deeper into isolation. As a military mom, I quickly learned that my own way of coping wasn’t working. Having a family member serving meant that I needed the community of others who had gone before me, and those who shared the same experience.

5.  Accepting Help Is a Way to Bless Others
I’m ashamed to admit that I used to take great pride in being a strong, independent person.  Knowing that I never needed to ask others for help gave me a lot of joy. Becoming a military mom changed that in a heartbeat. I quickly realized that accepting help wasn’t a weakness, it was actually a way to bless others.

There are a lot of positives to becoming a military mom. I hope this helps you as you learn the blessings of having a loved one who serves.

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