St. Patrick’s Day Memories

How a mother’s passing, a pet hamster and a teapot all come together.

When I look at this photograph, fond memories flood my mind.

This is Sulua Chinese dwarf hamster. She was my daughter’s pet and brought joy to our family. Sulu would “babysit” my dog as she rolled around the house in her hamster ball.

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I asked my daughter if she would help me photograph Sulu. It was a team effort. I got my camera ready and focused and as soon as she put her in the teapot, Sulu usually jumped out right away. I am glad we were able to get some good photographsSulu passed away a few months ago.

Another memory I have when I look at this photograph relates to the teacup. My mother had ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and passed away in 2004. Before she died, she had a tea party each with my daughter and son. They used the teapot Sulu is in.

Death is a part of life I wish did not have to happen. People and pets are so dearit is difficult when they pass away.

My mom suffered a lot with ALS but never waivered in her faith and trust in the Lord. She passed away March 14, and her viewing was on St. Patrick’s Day. She wanted her Bible opened on her coffin to the 23rd Psalm. It is a very comforting chapter.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4, KJV)

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The good news is she is not suffering anymore because she is in Heaven with Jesus. I can’t wait to see her face and Jesus’ too!


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