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Lend a Helping Paw

After the disastrous earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, pet expert Peggy Frezon has some advice for helping animals in crisis.

Peggy Frezon shares tips for helping animals following natural disasters.

While my dog Kelly snoozed in her cozy little bed in the living room, I watched a television news report of an earthquake in Chile.

In addition to the tragic human suffering, my heart went out to the homeless dogs and other pets displaced after the disaster.

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Fortunately, many hard working groups help animals following natural disasters. Here are some ways you can help, too.

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1. Contribute to rescue efforts.
Most organizations aiding pets in devastated areas are not-for-profit. They depend upon charitable contributions to keep going.

These three groups are already operating mobile veterinary clinics and other services in Haiti, and planning to go to Chile when they’re allowed in:

IFAW  (International Fund for Animal Welfare)

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American Humane Association

WSPA (World Society for Protection of Animals)

2. Offer your time.
Not everyone can, or should, travel to disaster areas since there are necessary legal and safety restrictions. But when safe, able workers and members of rescue organizations are needed to work hands-on in countries in need. Veterinarians, technicians and others can volunteer to travel to Chile to help groups such as World Vets.

3. Donate Food.
Local shelters and rescue organizations take in animals displaced from earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, house fires, and other tragedies. We can help by donating bags of pet food, litter, or other supplies to these organizations, which may be filled to capacity in times of need.

4. Adopt a displaced pet.
If you’re looking for a pet, consider adopting a cat or dog displaced by the recent disasters. Petfinder.com lists animals for adoption.

5. Spread the word…and pray.
Educating ourselves to the need, and how we can help, is part of the solution. We can also spread the word to our friends and co-workers in person, on our Facebook pages and other social networking sites. And when we still feel like there’s nothing we can do, we can always pray for God to be with these animals and the people sent to help them.

There is great human need after these natural disasters and it is right to help where we can. These hungry, hurt, and lost animals are in our hearts as well—pets we know are someone’s friends, companions and family members—who also need our help and prayers.

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