Guideposts Gatherings

The Guideposts editor-in-chief shares the accomplishments of readers.

Greetings from sunny (well, semi) Southern California where I am still catching my breath after an intense couple of days, which started back in New York with a pilgrimage to the new Yankee Stadium Wednesday night to watch the home team wrap up the World Series in six games (don’t hate me Yankee haters, my loyalties were mixed: I was born in Philly but have lived more years in New York than anywhere). 

I guess it was about the seventh inning when I lost my voice, not a good thing because I have to give a talk today here at Dana Point. Of course I had to stay around and watch the victory celebration on the field, and feel a part of it (all true fans feel that they are a part of the winning effort).  

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It was 1:30 a.m. before I got home Thursday morning. I hadn’t packed yet, the car was coming to take me to the airport in four hours, and Millie wanted to go for a walk. That left no time for sleep.

But I made it out here and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. We’re having a GUIDEPOSTS Gathering, an annual celebration with some of the most loyal and generous supporters of GUIDEPOSTS and its activities. GUIDEPOSTS is a not-for-profit company and we depend not just on our subscribers for their support but on the generosity of all the people who donate to our outreach programs. We distribute free nearly 10 million books, magazines and other literature annually to people in need, from hospitals and shelters to the military and their families here and overseas (right now we are sending booklets to our chaplain partners at Fort Hood). OurPrayer, our prayer outreach, answers a million prayers requests annually by name and need through a global network of prayer vounteers.

One thing I regret, though, is having to skip our refresher workshop being held in Rye, New York, this weekend for graduates of our Writers Workshop program. The workshoppers are the editorial lifeblood of our magazines, telling their own stories in our pages as well as helping us find other powerful stories of hope and inspiration throughout the country.  

It’s fitting, I guess, that these two events are happening at the same time. Inspiring content and financial support are what makes GUIDEPOSTS go. Thanks to all of you who give.

Now if only my voice would come back! 

Edward Grinnan is Editor-in-Chief and Vice President of GUIDEPOSTS Publications.

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