Having Fun with God’s Gifts

Guideposts blogger Adam Hunter on having some fun with God’s gifts–twin style!

How 4 sets of twins pulled a prank on the subway.

For our upcoming June/July issue of Mysterious Ways, editor Diana Aydin is writing a story all about the miracle of twins—how this rare genetic anomaly (3% of all births in the United States) benefits humanity as a whole and teaches even us “single births” about who we are. 

Diana should know—her sisters are twins. One of those things twins can teach us? How to use our unique gifts to bring laughter and joy to others.

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The comedy group Improv Everywhere found four sets of twins to pull off a hilarious prank on riders of the New York City subway.  A panhandler boards the train with an unusual request—he needs money to complete his time machine. A few subway riders actually donate money, undoubtedly impressed by his creativity.

Then something strange happens…

Only identical twins could have pulled this joke off with such success. Harmless fun (the world, fortunately, was not destroyed by a paradox or collapsing wormhole) that sparked some life into an otherwise dull commute.

You don’t have to be a twin to use what God gave you for a good chuckle. You can even turn something negative into a positive. Take Josh Sundquist, who despite losing a leg to Ewing’s Sarcoma, took advantage of his new shape to create fun Halloween costumes that inspire and amaze:

What do you possess that you can use to bring joy to others? Let us know how you’re using what God gave you to make the world a happier place. 

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