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10 One-Minute Stress Busters

Feeling stressed? Try these quick and easy steps to calm down and reduce your anxiety.

Feeling stressed? Try these quick and easy steps to calm down and reduce your anxiety.

Renew your heart and spirit every day with Guideposts One-Minute Daily Devotional.

Stress Buster one minute vacation better living health and wellness

1 of 10 Take a minute vacation.

Stop, step aside, lie down—even for a moment. Be mindful of what is around you, what you are doing. See time itself as a blessing.

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Stress Buster Breathe Woman stress reliever one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

2 of 10 Breathe.

Breathe in the beauty around you. Exhale. Expel critical and negative thoughts.

Stress Buster pray for one minute better living health and wellness

3 of 10 Pray.

Take time throughout the day to spend time with God. Thank Him for your health, your family, your home, your friends. Praise Him. Ask Him to bless those you love.

Stress Buster Think positively one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

4 of 10 Think positively.

Choose one healthy, constructive thought and hold onto it all day long. 

daily bible

Stress Buster Go Outside walk one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

5 of 10 Go outside.

Take a walk and look around you. Notice every detail of the grass, or a tree. Watch as they sway in the wind. This process will help transform the way you are thinking about your own life and open you up to see the beauty around you.


Stress Buster smile smiling woman one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

6 of 10 Smile.

And watch the ripple effect smiling has on each person you meet.

Stress Buster love one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

7 of 10 Love.

Open your heart to others by focusing on the ones that mean the most to you. Look at a family photograph and remember a happy memory.  Reach out to others with gentle and kind words.


Stress Buster Stop worrying one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

8 of 10 Stop worrying.

When worry kicks in, ask this simple question: Is there anything I can do to make it better? If so, do it.  And for all the worries that are beyond your control, pray.   

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Stress Buster sing music woman listening one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

9 of 10 Sing.

Put on a favorite song and hum or sing along. Music lowers stress!

Stress Buster Drink water cup one minute stress buster better living health and wellness

10 of 10 Drink water.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat healthy snacks. Hunger and dehydration can bring about feelings of anxiety and stress.

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