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10 Inspiring C.S. Lewis Quotes

C.S. Lewis, beloved author of The Chronicles of Narnia, has inspired millions for generations. His gift for words lives on in these uplifting quotes.

C.S. Lewis is a best-selling Christian writer and a professor of medieval English literature at Oxford and Cambridge universities. He is famously known for his best-selling children’s series, The Chronicles of Narnia. His gift for words lives on many of his worksC.S. Lewis quotes have the power to strengthen our faith and bring us spiritual inspiration.

Jeremiah Braudrick, from Norman, Oklahoma knows this better than anyone. As a Marine veteran, Brauderick was struggling with his faith. While on Facebook one day, he came across a random quote. It read: “I have found (to my regret) that the degrees of shame and disgust which I actually feel at my own sins do not at all correspond to what my reason tells me about their comparative gravity.” It was a C.S. Lewis quote.

The words stuck in Braudrick’s mind. “I heard a simple message,” he said in his Guideposts story. “Maybe my feelings of spiritual worthlessness weren’t the final word about me. Maybe I wasn’t the best judge of God’s attitude. Maybe I had a chance after all.”

As an infantryman who fought on the frontlines in WWI, Lewis understood the psychological wounds that soldiers carried with them. He also struggled with his faith as well, even turning his back on God for a long period of time. Because of this, Brauderick read even more of Lewis’ works, including Mere Christianity and Surprised by Joy, Lewis’ spiritual autobiography. In it, Lewis talks about the moment he accepted God again. “Reading C. S. Lewis, I realized God… knows my faults and loves me anyway,” said Brauderick. “I’m a work in progress. God’s work in progress.”Brauderick is now a pastor and continues to use C.S. Lewis quotes and writing to bring himself and other spiritual inspiration.

Here are some of C.S. Lewis’s most profound quotes:


A hot air balloon in the sky with C.S. Lewis quotes

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You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream a new dream.—C.S. Lewis

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Two birds on a line with C.S. Lewis quotes

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Love is unselfishly choosing for another’s highest good.—C.S. Lewis

A country road with C.S. Lewis quotes

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There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.—C.S. Lewis

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A child running through a field with a kite with C.S. Lewis quotes

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Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose.—C.S. Lewis

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A person pushing a rock up a mountain with C.S. Lewis quotes

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Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.—C.S. Lewis

Two kids holding hands with C.S. Lewis quotes

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Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”—C.S. Lewis

Blurred people walking in a room with C.S. Lewis quotes

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We meet no ordinary people in our lives.—C.S. Lewis

Birds flying in a circle over a field with C.S. Lewis quotes

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You can’t know, you can only believe—or not.—C.S. Lewis

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Man sitting in a dark room with C.S. Lewis quotes

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We must lay before him what is in us; not what ought to be in us.—C.S. Lewis

A large tree in a field with C.S. Lewis quotes

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Believe in GOD like you believe in the sunrise. Not because you can see it, but because you can see all it touches.—C.S. Lewis

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