Emotional and Mental Health

Mental and emotional health rank just as high as physical health when it comes to your overall well-being. Whether you have a diagnosed mental health concern like depression or anxiety, or are curious about how to improve your emotional life, investing in robust emotional health is a worthy and important priority.

5 things you can learn from anger.

When I Just Feel Angry

Anger is an emotion just like any other. Here are ways to take a closer look at your anger and learn from it. Perhaps move beyond it and grow closer to God.

Don't complicate your faith.

Don’t Complicate Your Faith

Guideposts blogger Shawnelle Eliasen realizes how she lets doubt, fear and anxiety complicate the pure simplicity of her faith and the promise God has given us to live freely and fully.

A light in the dark

Jesus Is the Light in the Dark

Award-winning author and Guideposts blogger Michelle Cox remembers times when she felt alone and afraid. And then the light of Jesus shone into the darkness—and that made all the difference. 

Getting Angry at God

Getting Angry at God

Guideposts blogger Julia Attaway has been known to get angry at God, to rant and rave and raise her fist. But it always leads to a better place, a place of peace.

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