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6 Tips to Keep You Energized This Holiday Season

Jon Gordon’s advice: Look to kids to boost your Christmas joy, spirit—and energy.

Jon Gordon's positive thinking tips about staying energized during holidays

Were you so worn out by all the holiday hubbub last season that you were ready to drop by Christmas Day? Think of how fun the holidays were when you were a kid. These tips will help you feel that sense of joy and wonder—and energy—again.

1. Be like Santa.
Pretend you’re filling your lungs to say ‘Ho, ho, ho! Take deep breaths. When you’re stressed, you tend to take shallower breaths or even hold your breath. This means less oxygen for your brain and body, which puts more stress on your system. So breathe deep, and breathe easier.

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2. Be like Mom.
Or at least take her advice and eat breakfast. If you skip breakfast, your body will try to conserve energy instead of producing it.

3. Be like a reindeer. 
Graze. Eat smaller, more frequent meals to keep yourself on an even keel throughout the day. This also helps you avoid overeating at parties. Got a long day of shopping and errands ahead of you? Carry a bag of almonds and raisins—a nutritious, energizing snack.

4. Be like a tourist. 
In your own town. Go for walks and take in the sights and lights. Exercise relieves stress, boosts energy. And mood, too: Studies show regular exercise is as effective as medication for treating mild depression like the holiday blues.

5. Be like the nice guy or gal you are.
If you squabble with someone over a parking space at the mall or the last ‘it’ toy on the shelf, you’re jacking up the overall level of stress and negative energy. Remember the spirit of the season and make a conscious effort to share positive energy instead.

6. Be like an elf.
Laugh and play games. Laughter lowers your blood pressure. And it just plain makes you feel good!

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