Spiritual Remedies: Bible-Based Tips on How to Care for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s

Ty’Ann Brown shares a few spiritual remedies for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can be an emotional roller coaster. You can cycle through sadness, frustration, anger, exhaustion all in one day. But there is hope. I’m Ty’Ann Brown and I want to give you some Bible-based tips on how to care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s. First, hold on to your faith. Psalm 61:2 says “As my heart grows faint, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” When you’re feeling overwhelmed, cry out like David to God. Pray and read the Psalms. Keep your connection to God open so you can remember you are not alone. Next, reach out to your community for help. Siblings, cousins, friends, church members all need to know what you’re going through and how they can help. If they can’t take over your caregiving duties mayeb they can buy groceries or help you pay for a new handrail. Proverbs says “Better a neighbor nearby than a family member afar.” Lean on your local support system. You might be surprised to find you have more help than you think. Finally, remember the love. Tell your loved one how much you love them regularly. It’s not only good for them to hear, but it’s also good for you to remember why you’re stepping up to be a caregiver. Your sacrifice is the ultimate show of love. A great reminder of what a wonderful privilege it is to serve. For more Bible-based advice of life’s challenges, get your copy of Guideposts’ Spiritual Remedies: Faith, Prayer and Healing  at ShopGuideposts.org.

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