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Waiting for Results

Water therapy is great form of exercise when in pain.

When something goes wrong with our bodies, figuring out the problem is time consuming and nerve-wracking. I know; that’s where I am right now.

I’ve been full of aches and pains this fall. Sometimes I can barely sit or walk because of a deep muscle soreness in my hips and lower back. Since I have three degenerative discs and one bulging disc in my back, I went to an orthopedic surgeon. He sent me for an MRI.

The doctor called me a couple of days later with concern in his voice. “Your pain is not stemming from any disc problems. There’s increased activity in your bone marrow, which could be a sign of leukemia. You need to go to an oncologist.” CANCER.

I made an appointment with an oncologist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. The doctor went over every single bit of my health history. He told me I did not have cancer—increased bone marrow activity is normal for me—but he had no solution for my pain.

Getting appointments with medical doctors and specialists, taking tests and waiting for the results is a scary process. If that’s the cycle you are in, let me remind you to continue exercising in whatever way you are able.

It amazes me that when I am in the worst pain and I walk into the gym to teach my fitness class, I can zone in on God and the pain goes away during the workout.  

If you are dealing with a painful condition that doesn’t allow you to exercise, such as arthritis, you might want to try water therapy.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

Water therapy, or exercising in water, is a gentle, welcoming way to make your body feel good. Water gives your body buoyancy, which means less pain! You can find programs in many public pools and physical therapy centers.

This Friday I have an appointment with an MS (Multiple Sclerosis) specialist. My doctor recommends it as the next step to diagnosing my pain and a few other troubling symptoms.

You know I’ll be exercising and praying that day and everyday.



Get more advice from Theresa!

Find all you need to know on whole-person 
wellness in
 Shaped by Faith.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

Theresa is a former model and nationally certified fitness professional who teaches people to use their faith to inspire fitness and their fitness to strengthen their faith. She is the author of Shaped by Faith: 10 Secrets to Strengthening your Body & Souland two exercise DVDS: Pilates for the Soul

She and her husband, Robin, have seven children and live in Calhoun, Kentucky.

You can email her with any questions or concerns.

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