Don’t Let Fear Win the Argument

How to step out in faith when you’re afraid.

Fight fear

Have you ever had God provide a visual for what He’s done in your life? That happened to me this morning. But first, let me backtrack to almost four years ago when I was talking to a Guideposts editor about blogging for them. We talked about the details, word count and the kind of content they wanted. I love writing inspirational and devotional type things, but when the editor told me they wanted two posts a week, I’ll admit that conjured up some fear.

The thought of coming up with that much content—104 columns a year—was intimidating. I’d written a lot through the years, but never on a regular basis like that. And I was working on a book and had other writing obligations, so I’d have to come up with a seemingly impossible amount of content each year.

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I talked to my husband about it. We prayed about whether or not I should accept the invitation. And I’ll be honest, fear almost won the argument. I worried about what I’d do on the days when no story ideas came. But then I realized something vitally important: If God had called me to this task, He would equip me with what I needed to accomplish it. So I stepped out in faith and accepted the offer.

And that brings me to my discovery this morning. A story idea came to mind but I thought I might have possibly done it in the past, so I did a search on the website through my previous posts to see if I could find it. I searched and I searched—page after page after page of posts. Yes, 350+ of them so far, and all of them are testaments to God’s faithfulness in providing all that I needed each week, and also sweet reminders of God’s goodness to me and my family on so many occasions. 

So today I’d like to thank Him for being a faithful God. And if any of you are facing situations where God has asked you to do something and fear is winning out, just step out in faith, knowing that He will provide all that you will need. And someday—like me—you’ll be able to look back with tears in your eyes and say, “Wow, look at what God’s done.”

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