Don’t Quit on God

Motivation to stick with the dreams God has placed in your heart.

Don't quit on God.

Serving God isn’t necessarily easy. I write for a living. It’s my calling, and I love it, but it’s a lonely profession. I occasionally get messages from readers through social media or meet my readers at book signings and speaking engagements. I love the interaction. But those moments don’t come often.

Sometimes as I work on manuscripts and articles or wait to hear back from publishers about book proposals, doubt creeps in. I’ll turn to my husband and sigh, “I should have chosen an easier career like chainsaw juggling.”

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But then God sends unexpected sweet acknowledgements. I recently had two books published: God Glimpses from the Jewelry Box and God Glimpses from the Toolbox. And God has already sent several precious reminders that I am doing exactly what He wants me to do.

My co-author John Perrodin and I wrote these as devotionals to help people deepen their relationship with God. We’ve already heard from a mom whose son has strayed from God. He has been reading our toolbox book that she gave him, and he told her that it’s making him really think about things.

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Another lady read the books and then bought 35 copies to give to her co-workers as a way to share about God. And then she took a copy to an elderly friend so she could tell her what a jewel she’d been in her life. I loved that.

Those sweet moments reminded me that when I want to quit, don’t.

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God didn’t call me to become successful. He called me to be faithful. It’s my job to work hard and to do my part well. Success is His responsibility. If I quit the calling that He’s placed in my life, then the task will go unfulfilled—and I will miss out on the blessings He has waiting for me and others.

If just one heart is touched or changed by what I do, then it’s been worth every minute. How do you motivate yourself to stay the course that God has put in front of you? Please share in the comments box below.

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