God’s Fingerprints

Years ago, God’s plan for a young girl’s life was taking shape.

What is God's plan for you? Photo by Serg Myshkovsky, Thinkstock.

Have you ever thought about how God’s fingerprints are all over our lives? I was reminded of that this week while replying to some comments on one of the stories in my “Life with a Southern Grandmother” column here on Guideposts.

Travel back with me about 45 years ago…

My parents were divorced, and my mother worked, sometimes into the early hours of the evening. So on many afternoons, my ride would drop me off at my uncle’s gas station after school, and I’d stay with Uncle Roy until my mom came to pick me up.

He was a wonderful uncle, kind and fun, and I loved hanging out with him and the guys who worked for him in the mechanic bays. The plentiful supply of peanuts, soft drinks, and bubble gum contributed to my enjoyment as well.

Uncle Roy’s station was brand new, state of the art at the time, and it was a neat place for a kid to while away an afternoon.

I can remember sitting behind the counter with Uncle Roy or doing my homework in the comfy chairs in the waiting area.

If I close my eyes I can remember the smell of the tires and hydraulic fluid and hear the clank of metal and the hiss and whirr of the tools as the mechanics worked on the cars.

On days when Uncle Roy was too busy to spend time with me, I’d curl up in a chair and read whatever magazines were there for customers to enjoy while they waited. It was always an exciting day when I’d discover a new issue of Guideposts.

Even as a young girl, I loved those stories of hope and inspiration, those amazing tales of God’s intervention during times of danger or turmoil.

And that’s why the thought that hit me this week moved me to tears. All those years ago when I sat in my uncle’s gas station as a child reading issues of Guideposts, I would never in a million years have dreamed that I’d someday be writing for Guideposts–but God knew.

How precious to realize that all those years ago, God’s story for my life was taking shape–that as a little girl curled up in a chair in a gas station and soaked up those inspiring stories, His fingerprints were already in evidence.             

With the beauty of hindsight, I’m able to look back now and see so many of His fingerprints along the way. I realized that my passion for reading as a young child was a gift from Him. That led to a love of story.

Even all those days when I went to the library and came home with towering stacks of books were times when He was training me for His future plans for my life.

The years in high school when I excelled in spelling, vocabulary and other English arts weren’t just flukes. They were talents that He gave me, things that were part of His plan.

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My years as a mom. My years in politics. None of them were happenstance. All of them were part of His master plan. And all of them were training for where He has me now, where He’s opened the door and given me the opportunity to write words of hope and inspiration for Guideposts each week.

Sweet friends, God has a plan for each of us. His fingerprints are evident on each of our lives. Maybe He hasn’t shown you the full plot of your life story yet, but you can be assured that He’s given you the gifts and talents to accomplish those things for Him when the time comes.  

Guideposts, thank you for investing in the life of a little girl all those years ago. How cool to realize that you were part of God’s master plan for my life!

For I know the plans I have for you,”says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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