Pass It On: Customer Service

A Cincinnati woman reminds us that positive feedback can mean a lot to a retail or service employee.

A stack of business cards, each with a yellow happy face pictured on it.

“I’d like to speak with your manager.” Back when I worked in retail, that was the last thing I wanted to hear. Invariably the customer had a complaint and I’d end up in hot water.

But our reader Geraldine McDougall, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is turning that statement around for cashiers and servers in her community. She makes the effort to tell managers when their employees provide exceptionally good service.

god's perfect peace held in perfect peace

Geraldine even wrote a letter praising a café employee who went above and beyond. It took only a few visits for him to remember her favorite pastry and how she liked her coffee. After that, he would have her order ready as soon as she walked up to the register. Not long after she sent the letter, he became a team leader.

You might not help someone get promoted. But a sincere “Thank you for your help” can make a difference, even translating into a more positive attitude toward other customers.

If there’s someone exceptional at your favorite store, why not tell the boss? A few kind words can go a long way.


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