Mysterious Ways: Help Wanted

Her husband was proud to provide for them. But at 53, he couldn’t find another job.

A woman circles a want ad in a newspaper.

My husband, Rick, is the hardest worker I know. He put his heart and soul into his construction company, but even he wasn’t immune to the economic downturn. His business went under.

He found another job as a construction manager, and hired three of his best employees, Carlos, Julio and Roberto. The four of them had worked together so long that they knew exactly what needed to be done, hardly even having to talk about it.

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They were the perfect team. Which made it so difficult when the bottom fell out of the housing market and Rick had to let them go. Within weeks, he was laid off too.

Rick prided himself on providing for me and our daughters. But at 53, with no college degree, he couldn’t find another job. He checked every website, every newspaper, called every connection, sent out hundreds of résumés.

No luck. Construction jobs had dried up. Rick spent less and less time searching, more time zoning out in front of the TV. I asked God every night, Help Rick find a job and restore his self-esteem.

Meanwhile, our church was begging for Sunday school volunteers. As a middle school science teacher, I figured I could step in. I just wished it paid. Even so, I signed up. How could I ask for God’s help if I didn’t help him?

At our first class, the kids used newspaper for an art project. Afterward, one paper was left, so I took it home to read.

I was greeted by canned laughter. Rick sat zombified on the sofa, watching TV, his hair unkempt, in an old T-shirt and sweats. I sat down with the newspaper. On a whim, I turned to the classifieds. One ad caught my eye. “Wanted: Heavy Equipment Operator.”

Rick didn’t seem enthusiastic when I showed him. “I’ll call tomorrow,” he said. “But don’t get your hopes up.”

The next day, I got home from school to find Rick up, clean-shaven, well dressed and grinning. “I called and went in for an interview,” he said. “They hired me on the spot!”

“I’m so proud of you!” I said.

“That’s not all,” Rick said. “The manager asked if I knew other hard workers like me. I told him I know three of the best….”


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