Cancer Treatment: An Answered Prayer

After he was diagnosed with cancer, Ken Butler  prayed for guidance about where to seek treatment. He and his wife are confident their prayers were answered.

Guideposts: Ken Butler and his wife, Selena

Content provided by Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Ken Butler had no family history of cancer when he was diagnosed with an  aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.  Unsure of what to do or how to approach treatment, he turned to God. He and his wife prayed together for guidance, and his sister suggested he visit Cancer Treatment Centers of America.

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“I wanted a sign from God that Cancer Treatment Centers of America was the right place to be, and that’s exactly what I found,” he says. “Our first visit was right before Easter, and when we came in there were little Easter eggs everywhere with messages of hope and encouragement from the employees written inside. We found a little egg that looked like a carrot, and it turned out to be a prize. The lady at the front desk gave us a door hanger in the shape of cross that says ‘The tomb was empty.’ That to me was the sign from God I’d been looking for to give me peace about treating at CTCA, and I keep the cross in my Bible now.”

That faith-based approach extended beyond the inspirational decorations. From the chaplains who joked with him to the doctors who prayed with him, Ken found his cancer treatment became a spiritual journey as well as a physical one. 

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