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Pray the Psalms: Psalm 5

Watch as Rick Hamlin takes you through Psalm 5.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories


[MUSIC PLAYING] Psalm 5. Last summer, we were renting a house at the beach, and we were right there at the end of the boardwalk, and everybody would come running along the boardwalk, and they’d tap the edge, boom, as though they’d finished, and then they’d run back. 

They’d like touch to mark the end. And there was always– there were always more runners in the morning than any other time of day. Morning is a good time to start. I exercise in the morning, I feel better the rest of the day. 

And I think morning is a great time to pray. I see that in this Psalm, and I see that in my life. It helps me look up, listen. My voice, thou shalt hear in the morning. Oh, Lord, in the morning, will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up. 

My voice, thou shalt hear in the morning. My kids were complaining about my running. They said that I always look down when I run, that I should look up. And a friend just told me to put my hands open when I would run, and then I’d have better posture. And that’s helped me in my running. 

Similarly, looking up sometimes when I pray, I close my eyes, and I look up or I stretch, so my voice, thou shalt hear in the morning. Oh, Lord, in the morning, will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up. 


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