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Good Friday Day of Prayer 2019

Learn more about Guideposts’ Good Friday Day of Prayer, an annual event that inspires and uplifts those who are able to attend in person and those across the country and around the world who join us in praying for others.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

Bruce: We love coming to pray. That is the best way that we know of that we can spend Good Fridays.

Pablo R. Diaz: I spend a lot of time with the team in preparation for this day to ensure that all the visitors are well received and feel welcome and be able to be blessed by the experience.

Chris: Everybody here is so friendly. You feel like you’re everybody’s best friend.

Pablo: And once we are here on this Good Friday, all the work that you’ve put into, you see it. And when you’re there fellowshipping, they’re enjoying the chapel service. Some people could spend more than two hours in the chapel praying for others.

Rick Hamlin: At Guideposts, we always have this tradition of praying for other people.

People say, pray for me. Pray for me because I need prayer. I’m going through some difficult stuff. Pray for me because it’s really hard for me to pray for myself right now.

Robin: It’s a privilege to come and pray for other people. Think about someone that you’ve never met and that God has entrusted this person to you.

Nick: Reading the prayer requests from people from all over the country, saying a prayer for them, it was something I’ve never experienced before. And I thought it was one of the most powerful events I’ve ever been involved with.

Pablo: The fellowship, the energy in the room, that’s the joy that fills my heart, that all the work and all the labor that we’ve done is having a positive impact on people’s lives. When I sit and take time to pray, I’m extremely humbled by holding someone’s heart in my hands. That’s what that means for me.

You’re not the same when you read a prayer like that. You shouldn’t be the same. You become one with that person.

Rick: Compassion itself is a prayer. To feel someone’s pain, their sorrow, their suffering, and internalize it, and then, filled with hope for the good things that can happen to them, that’s prayer.

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