7 Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Tips on praying to assist you on your spiritual path.

7 Ways to Improve Your Prayer Life

Prayer is a way for spiritual power to flow from God into our daily lives. Prayer illuminates problems, lifts weights, overcomes obstacles, and brings many astounding results. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale put together these tips on praying to assist you on your spiritual path.

1. Tell God everything that is on your mind and in your heart.
An essential way to improve your prayer life is to share your life with Him. Share your worries and concerns as well as the many things you are grateful for!

2. Talk in everyday speech.
This does not diminish respect for Him but serves to make the relationship more natural.

3. Tell God what you want.
Tell Him you would like to have it if He thinks it is good for you—and mean it! Tell Him that you will leave it to Him to decide, and you will accept His decision as best for you and others involved.

4.  Practice praying during the day.
For example, talk to God as you drive your car. Imagine the Lord is there for you. He is!

5. Words are not always necessary.
Know God is by your side guiding you and watching over you.

6.  Help others with your prayers.
Pray for your loved ones, for people you do not like, and for those who have not treated you well. Select some person who may be a problem to you and conceive of yourself as surrounding him with healthy prayers, goodwill, and faith.

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7.  Do  not make all your prayers into the form of asking God for something.
Let your prayer consist of all the wonderful things that have happened to you. Name them, thank God for them and make that your whole prayer. You will soon find that these prayers of thanksgiving grow longer and longer, and you will have more and more things for which to thank God.

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