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The Prayer Envelope

I used to think my prayers went unanswered.


Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Today is the day I open my “Prayer Envelope.” This is a monthly ritual with me, something that began the time I complained to my friend Margaret about how few of my prayers were being answered. “I believe you’ve had more answered than you realize,” she replied. “it’s just that you’ve forgotten them because they’re finished business.” Then she told me about her “Prayer Envelope.”

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Now each month I staple an envelope to a calendar, and each time I pray for something, I write it down and put it in the envelope. At the end of the month, I tear off the envelope and pour out its contents. I separate the little pieces of paper: the answered prayers in one pile, the still-to-be-answered in another.

I’m always amazed to note all the answered prayers I’d forgotten, such as the couple at church whose marriage was in trouble. They’ve been counseling with our pastor and their bonds are strengthening. And an elderly neighbor who was sick: I prayed she’d be well enough to attend a special prayer breakfast. She was.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to learn about the prayers our loving God has answered this month. The envelope, please…

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