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The Right Way to Talk to God

A teenager learns a lesson about prayer from his pastor, who teaches him to pray like he’s talking to a friend.

A young man bows his head in prayer

The Snyder-family pew was second from the front. Twice a week my parents, younger brother and sister and I filed in there—once for Sunday service and once for the Wednesday-night prayer meeting. Pastor Reed kept a watchful eye on all of us kids. A Sunday-morning snicker or fidget would quickly be met with a raised eyebrow and a warning glance over the top of his thick black spectacles.

Wednesday nights were even worse. After a lengthy sermon and Bible study, the pastor paired us with prayer partners. Then he chose a partner for himself.

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That was panic time for a 15-year-old boy. I was all too familiar with Sunday’s pastoral prayer, which easily hit the 15-minute mark and flew right past it.

The last thing I or any of us kids wanted was to be Pastor Reed’s prayer partner.

I had managed to avoid that experience, until one Wednesday when the pastor called, “Jim, come and be my prayer partner tonight.” Nabbed! My face flushed. My brother nudged me. I thought of my friends secretly sighing in relief that they had gotten through another week scot-free.

It’ll all be over in a few minutes, I told myself as I knelt beside Pastor Reed in the front pew, my mouth as dry as the previous Sunday’s sermon. “Go ahead, Jim,” he encouraged. “I’ll pray after you.”

I was familiar with prayer. I prayed often, and always before an English test. But this was different.

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I coughed a few times, then began to speak. “God bless my mom, dad, brother and sister. Bless my relatives and my classmates.” I blessed the church, the town, the state of Florida and probably the whole United States, not wanting my pastor to think I had selfish prayers. Every word came faster until they all blended together and I slid into the “Amen” as if it were home plate.

I made it! I thought, unclenching my folded hands. Now it was his turn.

“Well, Jim,” the pastor said, and I had a sinking feeling this wasn’t his prayer. “That was a good start.” Then he explained what it meant to pray, how to pray. “Just like you would talk to me, that’s how you can talk to God.”

Fine, I thought. I’ll do that next time.

“Jim, why don’t you try again?” Pastor Reed said.

I couldn’t believe it!

“And remember,” he continued, “talk to God like you’d talk to a friend.” I took a deep breath. Like I’d talk to a friend. My prayer began the same way, but the words left my lips more slowly, and I was able to focus on what they meant. Halfway through I realized how easy it was to pray—and how good it felt.

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Pastor Reed smiled. “Very nice, Jim,” he said.

My pastor never called on me to pray with him again. But I wouldn’t have minded. I had learned to talk to God like the friend that he is.

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