Ways to Practice the Golden Rule When You Pray

Why not pray for others as you’d want them to pray for you?

Pray the Golden Rule

Everyone knows the Golden Rule, right? It’s the command Jesus gave to His followers, as recorded in Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

Something interesting (to me, at least) happened as I encountered those memorable words in my evening Bible reading. Because I not only read the Bible regularly, but try also to pray as I read, it dawned on me that the Golden Rule applies to the way I pray as well. That may not seem surprising to you—after all, the Golden Rule applies to all of life, right? Thoughts, words and actions. But it was a revelation to me.

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I pondered whether I sometimes break the Golden Rule when I pray for others. Or don’t pray for them. So, in my prayers that night, I had a little talk with God. It went something like this:

Me:  Lord, do I pray for others as I would have others pray for me?

God:  How do you want others to pray for you? (He often answers my questions with questions). 

Me:  Well, I want people to pray regularly for me. Especially when I’m in some kind of crisis or special need.

God:  So, do you think that’s how you should pray?

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Me:  Yes, of course. And when I ask for prayer, I hope they don’t just say “I’ll pray for you,” and then forget about it.

God:  So, you should be faithful to pray when you say you will?

Me:  Yes. Although I do forget sometimes.

God:  So, should you pray immediately, whenever possible? And do whatever you can to remind yourself of those who’ve asked for prayer?

Me:  Yes.

God:  How else do you want others to pray for you?

Me:  I think I want them to ask for more information, so they can pray more specifically for me.

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God:  So, is that how you might pray for others?

Me:  Yes.

God:  Anything else?

Me:  I want people to pray good things for me.

God:  Of course you do.

Me:  But sometimes I feel like people are judging or criticizing me when they pray. You know, a sort of, “God, make him a better person.”

God:  You don’t want to be a better person?

Me:  You know I do. I just don’t like it when others’ prayers feel like gossip or criticism.

God:  So you’re saying you shouldn’t do that when you pray for others?

Me:  Right.

God:  Keep that in mind, then.

Me:  I will. And thank you.

God:  Anytime.

That’s not an exact transcription, of course. And I should stress that my side of the conversation was mostly audible, but God’s wasn’t. Still, it was, as I said, a revelation for me to contemplate praying for others as I would have others pray for me. I’m sure God isn’t done refining me in that area (among many others), but it’s already having an effect.  

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