Pray the Pictures

Scrolling through those photos reminded me how many good reasons I have to be thankful…

Oranges on prayer blogger Rick Hamlin's mother's orange tree

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a few of those can surely be a prayer.

I was standing in line, waiting at the food truck on the corner for the guys to dish up my lunch. I was feeling blah and glum, in a sour mood, even though the food smells were enticing. I figured I’d use the time to go through old photos on my phone to delete some. All at once my mood lifted.

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There was that picture of Paul Ogden and me out in the grape fields in Fresno. What a wonderful host he was for the talk on 10 Prayers You Can’t Live Without that I did at his congregation, Clovis Hills Community Church. How grateful I am for him.








And look at that, Mom’s orange tree, right next to her driveway in California. What could be more cheering? I could picture her making me a glass of fresh-squeezed juice. Delicious. Praise God.








Then there was a photo of Robert and me, taken back in the fall. He’s a cancer survivor and we’ve been praying for him for months. More than a year ago things looked pretty dicey. But I just saw him at church, and even though the treatments continue, he still looks like this photo. Vibrant. Good. Blessed.








And that’s me in my choir robe at Christmas. What a lot to celebrate.









And Carol’s lamb cake that she makes every Easter. Isn’t it cute? Don’t you wish you could have a slice?

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By the time my lunch was ready, I was a different person. Happier, grateful, reconnected to God. I didn’t really do much, but scrolling through those photos reminded me how many good reasons I have to be thankful.

Got any old pictures? Look at them. They’ll surely give you cause to smile. And thank God. 

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