Pray for Your Home–A Collection of Blessings

Why not take a moment or more to give thanks for your home? Why not go room by room, wall by wall, possession by possession? Would that take too long? Doesn’t it speak volumes if the answer is “yes”?

A family praying in their home.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 (NIV)

When a writers’ conference speaker encouraged us to start a Blessings Folder, I knew it would be a good idea. My life was falling apart, making it difficult to see anything positive. The speaker passed out copies of her favorite Bible verse and a funny story to get us started.

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As soon as I got home, I put them in a folder, along with a story that my oldest son had published. My Blessings Folder became one of my lifelines during a dark time, as I filled it with encouraging cards that arrived right when I needed them, notes about miraculous provisions, and other mementos. Every treasure that I added to the folder felt like a present from Jesus, saying, I’m still here, and you still have a lot of good in your life.

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One day, I discovered that I’d run out of room in my folder. I moved my collection to a pretty box. My Blessings Box now sits on a shelf in my closest, stuffed beyond capacity—a sweet reminder of the many gifts that came from Jesus at a time when it seemed like life would never be good again.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above . . . .” We don’t need to be overwhelmed or grieving to have a reason to collect blessings. In fact, it is often when everything is going well that we miss out on them. When we make a practice of paying attention to how Jesus takes care of us and shows us I am with you; I know what you need; I know what will make you smile, we gain the ability to see the littlest things as gifts.

Faith Step: Start a Blessings Box or put a few items in the one you have that felt like gifts from Jesus when you received them.

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A Journey of FaitH

Embark on a moving journey of faith as Edward Grinnan, Guideposts’ Editor-in-Chief, shares his inspiring memoir on navigating his mother’s Alzheimer’s and conquering his own fear. A blessing for those facing trials.

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