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Life, Faith and Prayer: Keep Praying

Reverend Pablo Diaz shares a true story that will help you believe in the power of prayer.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Do you have an unanswered prayer on your list? I do. By the way, I have several that God has not answered. It’s a divine mystery, one that, sometimes, I don’t understand why God would answer some.

Others take longer, and even there are prayers that God will never give to us. But you know, recently, I came across this testimony that really blessed my heart and encouraged me to keep on asking.

This young couple several years ago purchased a home, a condominium, for their young family. And as their family grew, the value of their home depreciated because the recession hit. And they found themselves in a tight spot. They had to give up their bedroom for the kids, and they had to sleep in the living room. And they were praying and praying and praying, wondering, how is this going to be resolved?

Even the tension among the couple began to get tough, and the tension was rising among them. So they invited their family church to pray for them. After a few weeks of prayer, they get a call from this older couple in the church that says, you know what? God has touched our heart.

We have raised our family. We want to give you our house, and we’ll take your house. We’ll exchange. We’ll take the smaller one. You’ll get the bigger one. You’re able to raise your family.

Well, they were shocked, but God began to work in their heart, and they worked it out. Today, both couples are blessed and happy. The young family has a lot of room to raise a child. By the way, they have a third kid on their way. And the other couple’s pleased that they can live in a smaller home and yet be a blessing to this young family.

So I encourage you, keep asking. Keep knocking. Keep seeking, as we learn in Matthew.

Don’t give up. The answer could be right there. Keep on trusting God knows and hears your prayer. He can surprise you the way he surprised that young couple.


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