More Blessed to Give than to Receive

I don’t know which of them was more thankful of the blessing, but I think I understand the words of Jesus…

Prayer blogger Peola Hicks

And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35b)

Several months ago, a pastor friend presented his church with a giving challenge. A woman in his congregation named Alice in particular took up the challenge to give more, although she knew it would be difficult to afford. She felt it was God’s will for her to do so.

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One Sunday, I saw Alice and stopped to have a casual conversation. When our conversation had ended, a woman named Linda walked over to ask if I would give Alice an envelope. Linda did not want to give it to Alice herself because she wanted to remain anonymous. I gave the envelope to Alice.

During prayer time the following Sunday, the pastor asked people to share their joys and praises for what God had done during the week. Alice was one of the people who shared a blessing she had received: that someone had given her a special financial gift that was above and beyond what she had given the church, enough to supplement her bills for the month. Alice had no idea that Linda gave this financial blessing to her, but I did.

Linda happened not to be in church the Sunday that Alice gave her testimony. When I saw Linda, I told her what happened. She immediately started to cry. First the tears flowed gently down her face, and then she almost sobbed with joy. Linda then told me she thought the Lord had directed her to give the envelope to Alice and she wanted to follow his leading. She was overjoyed because she had really heard from the Lord and her reward was knowing that Alice was blessed. I don’t know which of them was more thankful of the blessing, but I think I understand the words of Jesus, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

As you listen for the Lord’s leading, maybe there is someone you can bless.

God bless you!

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