Prayers for Stronger Faith

If we listen to God's voice, we'll avoid lots of problems.

Listen to God’s Voice

While watching Undercover Boss, Guideposts blogger Michelle Cox realizes how many problems we could avoid if we’d only pay attention to God’s voice and block out all the noise.

When we pray "give us this day our daily bread," it's about more than bread.

When We Pray for Our Daily Bread

Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler reminds us that when we pray “give us this day our daily bread,” we are not only praying for the things we need, but also the things we take for granted.

How much more God is willing to give us, the gifts of life.

How Much More God Gives Us

God loves to give us good gifts, says Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler. Remember that in your prayer requests, how much more He gives than anyone else in our lives.

Guideposts blogger Rick Hamlin suggests 6 ways you can pray all day.

6 Ways to Pray All Day

We can’t be on our knees all day, but Guideposts blogger Rick Hamlin has 6 ways we can honor Paul’s admonition to “pray without ceasing.” 

When you ask Jesus a question, here's how to hear His answer to your prayers.

Ask Jesus

If you need an answer to one of life’s big questions, just ask Jesus, writes Guideposts blogger Rick Hamlin. You’d be surprised how quickly He answers your prayers if you’ll just pay attention.

When God says no.

When God Says ‘No’

It happens to all of us, saints and sinners alike–when God answers our prayers with a “no.” Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler offers some ways we can adjust how we pray.

What's your prayer style?

What’s Your Prayer Style?

Learning to pray according to your unique learning style can open up a new world of passion and enthusiasm in your prayer. Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler explains how.

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