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Prayer Tip Tuesday: How To Live An Abundant Life

Guideposts OurPrayer holds “Prayer Tips with Ty’Ann” every month. This week, we will discuss living an abundant life through Jesus Christ. 

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi. I’m Ty’Ann. I have a prayer tip for you. Have you ever felt like, I just don’t want to get out of bed? I don’t want to face the day. I have too many issues, too many challenges, too many problems. And I don’t know how I’m going to make it through. 

Well, I want to encourage you with John 10 and 10. It says, I have come that you would have life and life more abundant. You know, sometimes, life can come against us that we never feel the abundance of life. But the Lord has a way of rejuvenating us and reviving us and refreshing us in His presence and in His word and in prayer. 

So the next time you feel like, I can’t face life, I can’t face the day, I want you to pray and say, Lord, I receive your life. Come on say it with me. Lord, I receive your life. An abundant life you shall have in Jesus. God bless you.

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