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Prayer Tips with Ty’Ann: Rest

You will find the comforting peace you need when you rest in God.

Guideposts Video: Inspiring True Stories

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, everyone. I’m Ty’Ann. I have a prayer tip for you. If you’re anything like me, life can get so busy and so crazy that at some point you get tired. Now it’s one thing to be physically tired. But it’s another thing to be emotionally or mentally tired. And sometimes life’s challenges can just put us in that type of space. 

I want to encourage you. In Matthew 11:28, it says, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Well, there’s nothing like God’s comforting presence and His comforting peace when we rest in Him. 

So the next time you pray, and you’re faced with your trials and your situations, I want you to say, Lord, I rest in You. Come on. Say it with me. Lord, I rest in You. And that’s some good rest. Be blessed. 


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