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Aging is part of life, but it doesn’t have to be discouraging. Embrace aging as a reflection of all the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years, and look ahead with excitement and joy.

Vern Bengtson in his library

Families and Faith

How are our values formed? How do we pass faith on to our children? This sociologist has devoted 35 years to these questions.

Jerry blends in with his undergrad peers.

70-Year-Old Fulfills a Dream

Jerry Reid fulfilled a life-long dream, not only of graduating from college but also of enjoying the college experience to the fullest.

An artist's rendering of the Virgin Mary surrounded by cherubs

Blessed Journey

He was moving from Chicago to Florida, hoping it was the right move. Then the recovery of two pictures reassured him.

Dancing couple

Timeless Grace

This couple proves that grace, fun and the joy of movement are ageless. 

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