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Winged angels line the path to heaven

Escorted to Heaven by Angels

Be inspired by these tales of heavenly guides bringing comfort and reassurance to people in the final hours of their lives and to the loved ones who are saying goodbye to them.

Scott Unruh on his family's Texas ranch

The Angels Who Took Her Home

He was afraid of death, fearful of the idea of losing any of his loved ones. But when his mother became terminally ill, he experienced a sight that brought him deep and profound comfort.

Guideposts: One of  Paula Dimit's carved wooden angels

Paula Dimit: Carving Out Inspiration

Paula Dimit was a recent retiree when, at age 56, she decided to try her hand at wood carving. Twenty years later, she’s still creating beautiful—one might even say angelic—works of art.

Praise the LORD, you angels, you mighty ones who carry out His plans, listening for each of His commands. Psalm 103:20

5 Bible Verses About Angels

Angels are mentioned over 100 times in the Old Testament and 165 times in the New Testament. Here are some favorite angelic scriptures about God’s messengers.

A doctor, a man of science, receives proof that angels exist.

Proof of Angels

Angels on Earth editor Colleen Hughes shares compelling evidence of angels among us from the letters of Saint Augustine.

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