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Easter is a time when we celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection, and we renew our faith in Him as the Messiah.

Cross at dawn. Thinkstock.

When Easter Is Over

Because of Jesus’ victory, I can claim Resurrection power. In Him, there is power over sin. Power over fear. Power over any form of darkness that would come against me. His power will bring strength to my life as a gift of grace.

Parent holding a child's hand. Thinkstock.

Giving Your Children to God

I don’t care if your children are seven or 70; it’s not too late to turn them over to our Heavenly Father. So, give your children to God this Easter and celebrate with a renewed joy and a supernatural peace.


Kneeling in Gethsemane

But one of the most meaningful–and prayer-provoking–spots in the Holy Land is the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives.

Hands cradling a baby chick. Photo Pixabay.

New Life at Easter

Every Easter when I see a newborn chick (or bunny, or lamb), I still get the same feeling of awe and joy. This is a brand new life, a miracle of God’s creation!

Basket of Easter eggs. Thinkstock.

The Fixed Easter Egg Hunt

I look back and remember the love, enthusiasm and care that my parents put into each Easter egg hunt, and I am assured that my Heavenly Father is even more loving, enthusiastic, and caring when it comes to His children. 

Easter eggs in the grass. Thinkstock.

Time to Rejoice

After a long dreary winter, doesn’t it feel like the world is coming alive again? Like we’re finally waking up. The colors are brighter. There’s wonder and excitement all around. Everything is new. Jesus is risen–it’s time to rejoice!

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