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Daily Devotionals blogger Julia Attaway

The Lens of Devotion

Letting light shine through for others means that my devotion has to be bigger than “me and Jesus” time first thing in the morning.

Guideposts Editor-in-Chief Edward Grinnan

The Road to Inspiration

I’d almost overlooked the transformative power of a great inspirational story, even though these were the very stories that had changed the course of my life, stories that had touched me in sometimes miraculous ways and challenged me to push my faith to the limits.

Prayer Talk Susan Karas

Prayer Talk: The Longest Wait

In this series of videos, Guideposts uthors and staffers talk about how they kept their faith as they waited for answers to prayers.

Guideposts Editor-in-Chief Edward Grinnan

An Ancient Sacrifice for Faith

So much of this trip to the the holy lands has been about exploring the past. I was perhaps most amazed by the ruins of Masada, where in 66 A.D., a group of Jews fought and died for their faith, a sacrifice that many Christians of the early church would soon make as well.

Guideposts Editor-in-Chief Edward Grinnan

St. Paul’s Faith, Courage and Fortitude

I had heard the stories about the travels of Paul growing up but until I actually saw the places he traveled to, often repeatedly, how unforgiving the terrain is, I did not truly apprehend the fire that was in his soul.

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