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Setting goals and working to achieve them is not a fast or easy task, but it’s one of the most meaningful you can undertake.

How to get to your goal and not quit.

Making It to Your Goal

As Guideposts blogger Michelle Cox watches a football game, she realizes there are lessons about failing but not quitting, about getting up again and going for the goal line.

Faith to accomplish your goals.

Put Faith Behind Your Goals

Think about a long-term project in your life. Ask Jesus to reassure you that your work is not in vain, and ask His help in making you steadfast and diligent.

Don't give up on God if you have a dream.

Don’t Give Up on God

Guideposts blogger and award-winning author Michelle Cox has a big, creative dream. And she’s waiting on God, patiently, to help her with it. Here’s why she knows it will be worth it.

No one succeeds alone. Remember those who helped you and don't forget to help others.

No One Makes It Alone

Success is never achieved alone, Guideposts blogger Pablo Diaz reminds us. Remember those who helped you and don’t forget to help others reach their goals.

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