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A grateful woman

Eternally Grateful

Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.—Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

Looking skyward through beautiful fall foliage

Experience the Lord’s Wonder

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things. Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!—Psalm 72:18–19 (ESV)

The word Gratitude, typwritten on a piece of paper

Give Thanks

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.—Psalm 92:1 (KJV)

family in home kitchen cooking Thanksgiving dinner (Getty)

Thanksgiving Eve Praise

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.—Psalm 136:1 (ESV)

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