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Woman mastering her home finances in the office

How To Master Your Home Finances

Get started and turn your family finances into a long-term project with these step-by-step tips. Financially planning ahead can get you started on the path to financial security for the rest of your life. There are many useful apps, smart spending and budget advice you can use to forge ahead.

Teenage boy enjoying the weather outdoors

Top Summer Jobs for Teens

Guide your teen to the productive path this summer. These helpful tips and websites catered to your teen will land them the perfect summer job. Part-time jobs teach many lessons about money, responsibility and will get them started in the workforce. The value of a hard-earned dollar will be a positive and beneficial teaching for their futures.

Elderly man reads a newspaper article

Starting Over Financially at 60

Getting through life’s obstacles is tough but to take control of your life, you must embrace acceptance. Some ways to take control of your life and start over at the age of 60 include getting a job, knowing your Social Security information, and adding to retirement accoutns are just some of the many ways you cant start.

Couple talking about their finances over food and drinks.

Why You Need a Financial Planning Date Night

Here are some personal finance areas to discuss with your partner on improving your financial future together. The topics include: IRA beneficiaries, life insurance, disability insurance, loans, mortgage, investments, credit report and credit score. Sit down over a nice dinner and plan ahead!

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