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Happiness Quote

The thing that goes the farthest towards making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most is just a pleasant smile.

James L. Brooks Quote

I laugh every day. There are days when my laughs are pretty hollow. Dust comes out of your mouth, and your bones make a funny sound. But I’m laughing.

Blogger Michelle Adams and her daughter, Ally.

Don’t Settle!

Years of “settling” can wear you down and steal your hope and joy. But, I’m here to tell you–it’s time you stop settling for less. It’s time you stop thinking that you don’t deserve to be truly happy.

Does Nostalgia Make You Happy?

There is new data that nostalgia is good for you. What makes you nostalgic? Is it a song or a type of music, a period of time, a place, a style of clothing or furniture?

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