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Independence Day

Independence Day marks the anniversary of America’s birth and celebrates the enduring values of freedom and democracy we cherish to this day.

George Washington gives props to God for Fourth of July.

The Father of the Fourth of July?

This week I was researching Fourth of July prayers, and I came across George Washington’s first inaugural address from 1789. I was surprised that one of his first orders of business as president was to give props to God!

Military families and Independence Day

Independence Day for Military Families

This holiday is forever linked to honor and sacrifice. These people are my friends, my community, my support and the hope of the future. I’ve watched as these scenarios have played out before my very eyes. In my heart, the phrase, the home of the free and the brave is real people, making real sacrifices.

God and man and time.

Man and God and ‘Leap Second’

The difference between man and God is time. We cannot escape it, and sooner or later we all run out of it. For God there has never been an hour or a moment or a second, no beginning, no end, no time.  

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