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Mysterious Ways

True stories of unexpected and wondrous experiences that reveal a hidden hand at work in our lives.

Photo from magazine story of St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church

When the Virgin Mary Appeared in Zeitoun, Egypt

For centuries, the divine has communicated with human beings through visions. One of the most prominent figures in these miraculous sightings is Mary, the mother of Jesus. When she does appear, it’s usually to one person, like in Guadalupe, or just a few, like the children who saw her in Lourdes. Those instances are easily dismissed by skeptics as mere hallucination, mass hysteria or schemes for attention. But what happens when hundreds of people see the same vision? Thousands? A million? That’s what happened in Cairo, Egypt, some 50 years ago…

Ken Byerly

The Miraculous Rescue at the Silos

Ken Byerly has become something of a celebrity in his hometown for the videos he shares online talking about the miracles in his life. This is the video that started it all.

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