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Norman Vincent Peale

Norman Vincent Peale, author, minister, and founder of Guideposts, was a champion of the power of positive thinking, and he continues to inspire new generations with his legacy of inspiration and optimism.

Guideposts: A woman gazes thoughtful out a window.

Turning Worry into Faith and Action

Recovering from shoulder surgery has Guideposts blogger Katie Allen Berlandi worried about her upcoming schedule. But then she thought about her grandfather, Norman Vincent Peale, and decided on a more positive approach.

Worrying won't solve problems.

Problem Solving Instead of Worrying

“Worry sends the mind round and round in the same groove, and you never come to any conclusions,” said Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. “Thinking works its way through the problem to an answer. You make progress when you think, but you get nowhere when you worry.”

Sunrise. Begin each day with a positive attitude through faith.

Think Positively

Knowing God is in control frees us to see the future through the prism of faith. With this perspective, thinking positively is positively possible!

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