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A soldier is a defender of our freedoms, and he or she is deserving of all our respect, admiration, and gratitude for being willing to sacrifice so much for us every day.

Finding the peace of God in life's storms.

Finding Peace in Life’s Storms

Military mom and Guideposts blogger Edie Melson shares how she learned not to weather the storms of stress and worry about her deployed son all on her own. She learned to accept God’s sheltering peace and protection.

A son's deployment triggers a military mom's emotional vertigo.

Deployment Distress

Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson experienced an emotional case of vertigo after her Marine Corps son was deployed. She sought anything to steady her. That turned out to be her faith and the Psalms.

Guideposts: Lt. Col. Evelyn Smith-Florence, U. S. Army (Ret.), during her 15-month deployment in Iraq

Guideposts: Veterans’ Stories

Military outreach and supporting our troops has long been a key part of our mission here at Guideposts. With Veterans Day approaching, we’re pleased to share with our readers these photographs of Guideposts employees and their relatives, who served our country with valor and distinction.

Joining the military. How one mom coped with her son's decision to enlist in the Marines.

Joining the Military

When Guideposts blogger Edie Melson’s son decided to join the military as a marine right out of high school, it was a tough decision for her to accept. Here’s how she coped.

Military mom Edie Melson relied on boot camp prayers when her son joined the Marines.

Boot Camp Prayers

When Guideposts blogger Edie Melson became a military mom in 2006, she turned to prayer to cope with her son’s departure for Marine Corps boot camp.

5 things you can learn from anger.

When I Just Feel Angry

Anger is an emotion just like any other. Here are ways to take a closer look at your anger and learn from it. Perhaps move beyond it and grow closer to God.

Be thankful for today. Don't wish away your life.

Be Thankful for Today

Guideposts blogger and military mom Edie Melson learned a very important lesson when her son was deployed to the Middle East. Even though she feared for his safety, there was still something to be thankful for each day.

With God, size doesn't matter.

With God, All Prayers Matter

Military mom and Guideposts blogger Edie Melson used to think God didn’t bother so much with small prayer requests. Only big ones. Then she realized, all prayers are important to God.

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