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The whole world is fresh in the spring. Breathe in the new, fragrant air and give thanks for the springtime renewal of our beautiful world.

Muddy baseball field. Photo: Thinkstock.

Perimeter of Praise

Soon this raking is a pleasure. Praise flows in a steady stream. There’s so much to thank the Lord for. I’m happy, overjoyed to be here–in this normally full-of-life place on a day when it’s quiet enough to think about the blessings the Lord brings.



Wisteria blooming among Rome's ruins. Photo courtesy Rick Hamlin.

When in Rome

Rome is where Paul is often thought to have found his violent end. There, in dark prison, he wrote positive, light-suffused, love-filled words.

Celebrate God's creation on Earth Day! Photo: pixabay.

God’s Green Earth

Earth Day is an easy day to take for granted, but take the opportunity to reflect upon why God’s creation is so amazing.

What Are You Anticipating?

What are you anticipating–a hopeful prognosis of a recent health test, the arrival of a baby, a wayward child returning home, your child’s graduation? We are all hopeful for something. The Lord is the source of hope–may we depend on Him.

Daffodils. Photo: Thinkstock.

The Gift of Spring

Never take God’s handiwork for granted. Thank Him for the gift of another spring, for days with warm sunshine and a soft breeze. Delight in the amazing beauty He’s created,

Easter eggs in the grass. Thinkstock.

Time to Rejoice

After a long dreary winter, doesn’t it feel like the world is coming alive again? Like we’re finally waking up. The colors are brighter. There’s wonder and excitement all around. Everything is new. Jesus is risen–it’s time to rejoice!

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